Week | Tuesday Lecture | Extra | Thursday Lecture | Extra |
1 | An Informal Overview | Nature | Applications and Principles | Data |
2 | Concepts, Instances & Attributes | Blog Item | Knowledge Representation I | None |
3 | Knowledge Representation II | None | Knowledge Representation III | None |
4 | Algorithms: Rudimentary Rules | Holte | Algorithms: Statistical Modelling | Langley |
5 | Algorithms: Decision Trees | Quinlan | Algorithms: Constructing Rules | None |
6 | Algorithms: Association Rules | Agrawal | Algorithms: Linear Models | None |
7 | Algorithms: Lazy & Clustering | None | The WEKA Explorer | Project #1 | Wiki |
8 | Evaluating Concepts | None | Cost-sensitive Learning | None |
9 | Cost-sensitive Learning | None | The WEKA Experimenter | None |
10 | Attribute Transformation | None | Useful Transformations | None |
11 | A Sample Exam Paper Another Sample Exam Paper |
None | Sample Solutions No solutions for the 2010 paper |
None |
12 | Tutorial 1 | None | Tutorial 2 | None |