ECAI 2012 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Telecommunications & Sensor Networks


We live in a time of unprecedented change. Traffic on our telecommunication networks has grown exponentially in the last decade. Many of the services and applications that exist now were not even imagined a few years ago. Though we can extrapolate some trends and make educated guesses, we cannot predict exactly what lies ahead. Networks that are designed with change in mind will be more robust to disruption caused by growing demands and changing user patterns and yet-unimagined applications. The risks associated with investment in these kinds of networks will be lower as they will be more durable and scalable. Networks that are designed with change in mind will make effective use of resources (e.g. spectrum, bandwidth, power, processing capabilities, cooling capabilities etc.) and ensure a sustainable future. 

The objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers and technologists from academia and industry to explore the applications of artificial intelligence to the most pertinent technical challenges in telecommunications and sensor networks.

This workshop is being run in association with the Science Foundation Ireland-funded CTVR centre.

Contact the Organizers [ by email ]

ECAI 2012, Montpellier (France), Aug 28th, 2012


Important dates
